Courses at
Intercollegiate Institute for Church Music
- Choir (Vocal Ensembles) MK-SM>Chrwok-1
- Choir (Vocal Ensembles) MK-SM>Chrwok-2
- Choir (Vocal Ensembles) MK-SM>Chrwok-3
- Church Organ Science and Registration Art (from the 19th century) MKP-SL>OrganirejXIX
- Codicology (Seminar) MKP-SL>Kodykol
- Composition MKP-SL>Kompo-1
- Composition MKP-SL>Kompo-2
- Conducting MK-SL>Dyrygo-3
- Conducting MK-SL>Dyrygo-4
- Conducting MK-SM>Dyrygo-1
- Conducting MK-SM>Dyrygo-2
- Conducting MK-SM>Dyrygo-3
- Conducting MK-SM>Dyrygo-4
- Conducting MKP-SL>Dyryg-1
- Conducting MKP-SL>Dyryg-2
- Conducting MKP-SL>Dyryg-3
- Conducting MKP-SL>Dyryg-4
- Counterpoint MK-SL>Kontra-1
- Counterpoint MK-SL>Kontra-2
- Counterpoint MK-SM>Kontra-1
- Counterpoint MK-SM>Kontra-2
- Counterpoint MKP-SL>Kontr-1
- Counterpoint MKP-SL>Kontr-2
- Culture of the 19th and 20th centuries. Selected issues. MK-SL>Faknhum-5
- Culture pedagogy MK-SM>Pedkul
- Ear Training MKP-SL>Kszsłu-1
- Ear Training MKP-SL>Kszsłu-2
- Ear Training MKP-SL>Kszsłu-3
- Ear Training MKP-SL>Kszsłu-4
- English MK-SM>JeznB2-2
- English MK-SM>JeznB2-4
- Gregorian Chant - Solo MKP-SL>Gregspsol
- Gregorian Conducting MKP-SL>Dyrgreg
- Gregorian Schola MK-SL>Schgre-3
- Gregorian Schola MK-SL>Schgre-4
- Gregorian Schola MK-SM>Schgre-1
- Gregorian Schola MK-SM>Schgre-2
- Gregorian Schola MK-SM>Schgre-3
- Gregorian Schola MK-SM>Schgre-4
- Gregorian Schola MKP-SL>Schgreg-1
- Gregorian Schola MKP-SL>Schgreg-2
- Gregorian Schola MKP-SL>Schgreg-3
- Gregorian Schola MKP-SL>Schgreg-4
- Gregorian Schola MKP-SL>Schgreg-5
- Gregorian Schola MKP-SL>Schgreg-6
- Gregorian Semiology – an Introduction MKP-SL>Wpsemgreg
- Gregorian Semiology (Seminar) MKP-SL>Semgrkon-1
- Gregorian Semiology (Seminar) MKP-SL>Semgrkon-2
- History of Culture MK-SM>Hiskul
- History of Music MK-SL>Hismuz-5
- History of Music MK-SL>Hismuz-6
- Intellectual Property Protection MKP-SL>Ochwłin
- Interdisciplinary Music MKP-SL>MuzInterd-I
- Interdisciplinary Music MKP-SL>MuzInterd-II
- Introduction to theology MKP-SL>
- IT MKP-SL>Techinf
- Legislation of Liturgical Music MK-SL>PraMuz-1
- Legislation of Liturgical Music MK-SL>PraMuz-2
- Liturgical Accompaniment MK-SL>Akolit-5
- Liturgical Accompaniment MK-SL>Akolit-6
- Liturgical Accompaniment MK-SM>Akolit-1
- Liturgical Accompaniment MK-SM>Akolit-2
- Liturgical Accompaniment MK-SM>Akolit-3
- Liturgical Accompaniment MK-SM>Akolit-4
- Liturgical Accompaniment with Improvisation MKP-SL>Aklitzelimp-1
- Liturgical Accompaniment with Improvisation MKP-SL>Aklitzelimp-2
- Liturgical Accompaniment with Improvisation MKP-SL>Aklitzelimp-3
- Liturgical Accompaniment with Improvisation MKP-SL>Aklitzelimp-4
- Liturgical Accompaniment with Improvisation MKP-SL>Aklitzelimp-5
- Liturgical Accompaniment with Improvisation MKP-SL>Aklitzelimp-6
- Liturgical Work Conducting MKP-SL>Dyrdzlit-1
- Liturgical Work Conducting MKP-SL>Dyrdzlit-2
- Liturgical Work Conducting MKP-SL>Dyrdzlit-3
- Liturgical Work Conducting MKP-SL>Dyrdzlit-4
- Liturgical Work Conducting MKP-SM>WS/DDL/1
- Liturgics MKP-SL>Liturg-I-1
- Liturgics MKP-SL>Liturg-I-2
- Liturgics MKP-SL>Liturg-II-3
- Liturgics MKP-SL>Liturg-II-4
- Modal Harmony MK-SL>Harmod
- Music Aesthetics MK-SM>Estmuz
- Music Theology MK-SL>Teomuz-1
- Music Theology MK-SL>Teomuz-2
- Organ MK-SL>Organy-5
- Organ MK-SL>Organy-6
- Organ MK-SM>Organy-1
- Organ MK-SM>Organy-2
- Organ MK-SM>Organy-3
- Organ MK-SM>Organy-4
- Organ Improvisation MK-SM>Imporg-1
- Organ Improvisation MK-SM>Imporg-2
- Organ Improvisation MK-SM>Imporg-3
- Organ Improvisation MK-SM>Imporg-4
- Organ Improvisation in Styles MKP-SL>Imporgstyl-1
- Organ Improvisation in Styles MKP-SL>Imporgstyl-2
- Organ Improvisation in Styles MKP-SL>Imporgstyl-3
- Organbuilding and Registration Art (to the 18th century) MKP-SL>OrganirejXVII
- Organs MKP-SL>Org-2
- Organs MKP-SL>Org-5
- Organs MKP-SL>Org-6