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Study programmes > All studies > Archival Studies and Documentation Management > (in Polish) Archiwistyka i zarządzanie dokumentacją, studia stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia, profil ogólnoakademicki

(in Polish) Archiwistyka i zarządzanie dokumentacją, studia stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia, profil ogólnoakademicki (AZD-SL-a)

(in Polish: Archiwistyka i zarządzanie dokumentacją, studia stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia, profil ogólnoakademicki)
first-cycle programme
full-time programme, 3 years (6 semesters)
Language: Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:


Access to further studies:

Applicability for admission to second-cycle programmes, postgraudate studies.

Professional status:

Learning outcomes

For higher education programmes, from 1 October 2018, educational outcomes became learning outcomes - Act of 3 July 2018 - Provisions introducing the Act - Law on higher education and science (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1669 as amended).
Annex to Resolution 25/2017 of the Senate of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow of 20 March 2017 on the determination of educational outcomes for an academic profile first-cycle programme in the field of study of Archival Studies and Documentation Management, valid as of the academic year 2017/2018.

Course structure diagram:

Abbreviations used in tables:
lect - lecture
wyke - lecture (exam)
kon - discussion seminar
lek - language
pra - student placement
sem - seminar
leke - language (exam)
ćw - tutorial
ćwe - tutorial (exam)
e - Subject examination report
z - Subject examination report
zo - Subject examination report
(in Polish) 1 rok 1 semestr stacjonarne studia pierwszego stopnia na kierunku Archiwistyka i zarządzanie dokumentacjąECTSlectwykekonlekprasemlekećwćweexam
Przedmiot testowy3.5120601015e
(in Polish) 1 rok 2 semestr stacjonarne studia pierwszego stopnia na kierunku Archiwistyka i zarządzanie dokumentacjąECTSlectwykekonlekprasemlekećwćweexam
No classes
(in Polish) 2 rok 3 semestr stacjonarne studia pierwszego stopnia na kierunku Archiwistyka i zarządzanie dokumentacjąECTSlectwykekonlekprasemlekećwćweexam
Przedmiot testowy3.5120601015e
Organization and Corporate Archives Records Management120zo
Databases - Informatics Introduction230zo
Archival Processing of the Modern Records230z
National and State Archives Collection Development11010e
Archival Proseminar230z
Organization and Corporate Archives Records Management11010e
The history of the Church in Poland until the end of the 18th century2z
Archival Processing of the Modern Records33030e
Laws and Regulations in Records Management - Construction and Usage220zo
Records Management230z
Community and Family Archives and Special Collections230zo
Confidential Office23030zo
National and State Archives Collection Development220z
Laws and Regulations in Records Management - Construction and Usage11010e
Records Management in the Catholic Church Offices230z
(in Polish) 3 rok 5 semestr stacjonarne studia pierwszego stopnia na kierunku Archiwistyka i zarządzanie dokumentacjąECTSlectwykekonlekprasemlekećwćweexam
Oral History Archives230zo
Social Communication Basics230z
Archives - Preservation and Preventive Conservation230z
Electronic Document Management330zo
Information Management22020e
Ethics Code for Information Brokers330z
B.A. Seminar (Bachelor’s Degree)630z
Information Management21010e
Costumology as an auxiliary science2z
(in Polish) 3 rok 6 semestr stacjonarne studia pierwszego stopnia na kierunku Archiwistyka i zarządzanie dokumentacjąECTSlectwykekonlekprasemlekećwćweexam
The office and archival internships24576z
B.A. Seminar (Bachelor’s Degree)630z

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.upjp2.edu.pl/