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> Lista jednostek dydaktycznych
> Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej
> Prowadzone przedmioty
Przedmioty prowadzone przez
Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej
Skorzystaj z wyszukiwarki przedmiotów!
- Contemporary debates in anthropology and ethics (readings and discussions) ER-FIL>anthro
- Contemporary debates in social and political philosphy (readings and discussions) ER-FIL>Contemp
- Contemporary Ethics – Selected Issues US-KSA-JP2-Contem
- Desktop publishing workshops ER-CMS-SL>Desk
- Digital media – technology and product ER-CMS-SL>DM
- Digital Tourism ER-CMS>DigitTourism
- History of the media ER-CMS>HistMe-ZO
- History of the media - part 1 ER-CMS-SL>HistMed
- History of the media - part 1 ER-CMS>HistMed-ZO
- History of the media - part 2 ER-CMS-SL>HISTMEGZ
- Interpersonal communication ER-CMS-SL>InterCom
- John Paul II's Theology of the Body US-JP2-TofBody
- Journalistic rhetoric ER-CMS-SL>JourRhet
- Marketing Tourism ER-BWM>MarketingTour
- Media genres ER-CMS-MedGen
- Media linguistics ER-CMS-SL>MedLing
- Modern and Contemporary Ethical Thought ER-FIL>modern-cw
- Modern and Contemporary Ethical Thought ER-FIL>modern-w
- Philosophical Issues in Science ER-FIL>mono02L
- Philosophical seminar BWM-FIL-ENG>Phisem
- Philosophical Trends and Disciplines ER-FIL>TrCw
- Philosophical Trends and Disciplines ER-FIL>TrW
- Philosophy of Karol Wojtyla US-KSA-JP2-Philo
- Philosophy of Karol Wojtyła ER-FIL>PhilKW
- Radio journalism workshops ER-CMS-SL>Radio
- Rhetoric and Art of Argumentation ER-FIL>Rehtoric-cw
- Selected Aspects of Social Pedagogy BWM-PED-SL>Ped
- Sources of journalistic information ER-CMS-SL>Sourc
- Teaching philosophy ER-FIL>Teaphi-c
- Teaching philosophy ER-FIL>Teaphi-w
- UNESCO's Cultural and Natural Heritage ER-BWM>UNESCO
- Virtual Reality – Theory and Practice ER-DIKS-SM>VirRea
- Workshops on History - Transport through the Ages (from wagon wheels to rocket fuel) ER-HiS-SL>Transport
- Wykład monograficzny:Poland and Europe in the era of holy wars II ER-HIS-SL>wmon2324