(in Polish) Psychological perspective of human life PSY-Coach>Psychhuman
Course content:
This year, we will learn about human life from the point of view of positive psychology. Our main text, which we will refer to during the lecture and discussion afterwards, will be: Seligman, M. E. P. (2002). Authentic happiness: Using the new positive psychology to realise your potential for lasting fulfillment. The Free Press.
Tematyka poszczególnych wykładów/Lecture topics:
1. Introduction – Rules of the course (Wprowadzenie – zasady udziału w kursie)
2. Positive feeling and positive character (Pozytywne uczucia i pozytywny charakter)
3. How psychology lost its way and I found mine ( Jak psychologia się zgubiła, a ja znalazłem swoją)
4. Why bother to be happy? (Po co zawracać sobie głowę byciem szczęśliwym?)
5. Can you make yourself lastingly happier? (Czy możesz uczynić siebie trwale szczęśliwszym?
6. Satisfaction about the past (Zadowolenie z przeszłości)
7. Optimism about the future (Optymizm co do przyszłości)
8. Happiness in the present (Szczęście w teraźniejszości)
9. Renewing strength and virtue (Odnawianie siły i cnoty)
10. Your signature strengths (Twoje mocne strony)
11. Work and personal satisfaction (Praca i satysfakcja osobista)
12. Love (Miłość)
13. Raising children (Wychowywanie dziecis
14. Reprise and summary (Powtórzenie i podsumowanie)
15. Meaning and purpose (Znaczenie i cel)
(in Polish) Tryb zajęć
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
(PPMpK_W01) at the advanced level uses terminology freely
in English, appropriate for psychology, according to the topic of the lecture
(PPMpK_U04) can express oneself coherently and precisely in speech and writing in English, a language specialized for psychology
(PPMpK_K01) demonstrates the need for lifelong learning of specialist terminology for psychology in English
Assessment criteria
Teaching methods and tools:
The course of lectures:
1. Obligatory presence in lectures
2. Students read the text of the chapter before the lecture,
3. At the beginning of the lecture, students can ask or comment on the previous lecture and ask about matters not understood in the text of the chapter.
4. During the interactive lecture, students indicated by their names have the opportunity to react to the theses related to the reading presented by the lecturer. Interesting answers based on the reading are scored "+", answers indicating ignorance of the reading or previous lectures are scored "-". If there is enough time, students can refer to the presented content, if there is not enough time they can do so at the beginning of the next lecture.
Form and conditions of passing
The course of the exam:
5. People with only „+” points can apply to pass the course within the zero deadline based on the edited chapter of the personalistic psychology textbook started by the previous year.
Other people have two options to choose from
6. Taking an exam from lectures and readings in the form of a test with a short response time. Attention!!! Only questions with high reliability are included in the score, not all questions answered by students.
7. People who do not like the test version for various reasons can take the exam in oral form. Due to the length of the exam, individual parts of the course can be taken during my office hours already during the school year, depending on available places on the office hours. Therefore, it is worth expressing such willingness at the beginning of the course.
Regardless of the form of the exam, the subject of the exam is all the material (lectures + textbook), not random issues.
8. Plus points obtained during lectures are added to the number of points obtained in the exam.
Lektury podstawowe/Obligatory reading:
Seligman, M. E. P. (2002). Authentic happiness: Using the new positive psychology to realize your potential for lasting fulfillment. The Free Press.
Lektury uzupełniające/Optional reading:
Allers, R. (1939). Self-improvement. Benziger Brothers.
Bühler, C. (1968). The course of human life as a psychological problem. Human Development 11, 184-200.
Dabrowski, K. (2015). Personality shaping through positive disintegration. Red Pill Press.
Frankl, V. E. ( 1946/1992). Man’s search of meaning. Beacon Press.
Jacobsen, B. (2008). Invitation to existential psychology: A psychology for the unique human being and its applications in therapy. John Wiley & Sons.
May, R. (2015). The discovery of being. WW Norton & Company.
Spitzer, R. (2015). Finding true happiness: Satisfying our restless hearts. Ignatius Press.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: