Old Testament Exegesis T-KAP-SJ>egzsta-w-10
Characteristics of the wisdom literature against the background of the cultures of the Near East (Mesopotamia, Canaan and Egypt). Key literature genres of the Wisdom Books together with their fundamental theological message. The origin of the Book of Psalms. The genres of the Psalms according to H. Gunkel. Outline of the theology of the Book of Psalms: theo-centrism, temple, messianism. Exegesis of the psalms indicated. The Book of Job and the problem of the suffering of a just man. Get to know the genesis of the Book of Proverbs and its message of the wisdom type. Kohelet and his unusual approach to life. The role of exemplary love in the book of Songs of Songs and attempts to interpret it. Immortality and indestructibility of man in the Book of Wisdom. Syrach, as an exceptional teacher of wisdom.
(in Polish) Tryb zajęć
Course coordinators
Term 2023/2024-L: | Term 2022/2023-L: |
Learning outcomes
Knowledge of the texts and theological message of the historical books of the OT. Competently navigating through the history of Israel, as described in these books, and updating known facts. The ability to use the acquired knowledge in catechetical and scientific practice. Exegetical knowledge of the books of: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom and Sirach.
The ability to logically explain individual fragments of these works.
Theological competences in the field of Old Testament wisdom literature. Oral exam on the knowledge of the Old Testament wisdom books.
Assessment criteria
- Writing an exegetical work from ST historical books = 30% of the final grade value;
- Class attendance = 20% of the final grade (one unexcused absence = minus 5%);
- Final oral examination = 50% of the final grade (thesis):
- The wisdom of the people of the East (Egypt and Mesopotamia) - sketch,
- Wisdom in Israel: God, human and personalized,
- The Book of Job and the problem of the suffering of a just man,
- The Book of Psalms as a "sanctuary" of prayer,
- Sources and theological message of the Book of Proverbs,
- Main themes of the Book of Ecclesiastes,
- Genesis and interpretations of the Song of Songs,
- The rise and theological wealth of the Book of Wisdom,
- Syracydes and its role in learning wisdom.
Practical placement
The total student workload is about 90 hours, which corresponds to 3 ECTS points.
The detailed student workload for the lecture is as follows:
- Participation in lectures – 30 hours;
- Participation in exercises – 15 hours;
- Reading and understanding the historical books of the OT and preparation of a written work – 30 hours;
- Revision and consolidation of the material before the final oral exam – 10 hours.
Borowski W., Psalmy. Komentarz biblijno-ascetyczny, Kraków 1983.
Brzegowy T., Psalmy i Księga Lamentacji, Academica 65, Tarnów 2007.
Filipiak M. (opr.), Księga Koheleta: wstęp, przekład z oryginału, komentarz, ekskursy, , Poznań – Warszawa 1980 – (PŚST, VIII/2).
Jelonek T., Kohelet i Syrach: dwaj mędrcy Izraela, Kraków 1992.
Łach S., Łach S.-J., Księga Psalmów. Wstęp – przekład z oryginału – komentarz – ekskursy (PŚST VII/2), Poznań 1990.
Poniży B., Księga Mądrości: od egzegezy do teologii, Poznań 2000.
Potocki S. (opr.), Księga Przysłów. Wstęp. Przekład z oryginału. Komentarz. Ekskursy, , Poznań 2008 – (PŚST, VIII/1).
Potocki S., Psalmy modlitwą ludu Bożego Starego i Nowego Przymierza, [w:] Liturgia uświęcenia czasu, red. W. Świerzawski, Kraków 1984, s. 125–154.
Ravasi G., Hiob: dramat Boga i człowieka, t. 1, (tłum. B. Rzepka), Kraków 2004.
Ravasi G., Hiob: dramat Boga i człowieka, t. 2, (przeł. K. Stopa), Kraków 2005.
Ravasi G., Kohelet: najbardziej oryginalna i „skandaliczna” księga Starego Testamentu, (tłum. J. Skrzypnik), Kraków 2003.
Ravasi G., Pieśń nad Pieśniami: ...jak pieczęć na twoim sercu, (przeł. K. Stopa), Kraków 2005.
Stachowiak L., Księga Psalmów, [w:] Wstęp do Starego Testamentu, red. L. Stachowiak, Poznań 1990, s. 347–383.
Tronina A., Księga Hioba, Częstochowa 2013.
Tronina A., Teologia Psalmów. Wprowadzenie do lektury Psalmów, Lublin 1995.
Witczyk H., Teofania w Psalmach, Kraków 1985.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: